Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ballad of the broken seas - Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan

Nick Cave is a very influential guy. This album really underlines that idea. I just think that Campbell wishes she was singing with Cave and Lanegan wishes he was Cave. Lanegan is kinda Cave-lite. Still good but not quite the same.

This album was a risky idea for me. I love the stuff Campbell did with Belle & Sebastian. Is it wicked not to care? is one of my favourite songs ever. Campbell wrote it. I haven't heard any of her solo stuff until now. Lanegan I am less keen on. I saw him live in 1998 and he was pish. Some of his solo stuff is OK (the sub pop albums). The Screaming Trees were Ok. I've just never 100% connected with him in the way that I do with other, similar singles.

I wasn't sure what this mixture would be like.

It's quite a lazy, dreamy album with a hint of darkness and evil lurking in it. The music is quiet and relaxed. Rock is a stranger here. It reminds me of the Nick Cave/Kylie single a fair bit.

It's Ok. There is a rip off of scarbourough fair/elizabeth, my dear which is kinda nice. It's ALL kinda nice but I don't hear a single, I don't hear a hook. I don't really have a reason to play it again although I hope I do.

It's ok. 3 out of 5



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